Penis Enlargement and its myths

How much size matter when you truly love someone? Is Size of penis bothering you then you are not alone to having such thought. There are many men who are not happy with their length and girth. To get a bigger penis is big concern for many men than performance in bed. They consider big penis is going to solve their sexual performance problem, but it is not so.

First thing you need to know that women are more concerned about the partner they are with than the dimension of their partner penis. You can’t deny some of them find thick and long penis more pleasurable than smaller one. What difference does penis size makes while having intercourse? Penis size does not make all the difference; it does to some extent for some women. When it comes to sex more than size a woman will want.

Performance Matter most

Sex is all performance, it is a two way street where pleasure should be available to both. A man who knows how to give her pleasure more than one way, to give her an orgasm is the man. Women can have orgasm by multiple ways. You have to find what’s turn your partner on. What makes her to reach an orgasm? Do not ejaculate too quickly, pays attention to what is making her happy. If you are ejaculating quickly, it might be due to premature ejaculation one of sexual problems. Before you start penetration give much time on foreplay. It will be good if you ask her when to start or keep changing position to spice up your sex life.

Only problem with penis size is the lack of self-esteem that comes along with. Smaller penis does ruin your self-pride and when you are low on confidence, it becomes difficult to perform. Women feel more attracted to men with confidence and self-esteem. In this scenario you can consider of penis enlargement, but remember this is not the last option. Before you opt for penis enlargement, you can consult sexologist which will help you in every possible way.

There are herbal medicines which are good to take. Don’t take any medication without consulting a sexologist. Sexologist with psychology experience will help you in this case. As you know this problem is more mental than physical.

Anyone can drop their doubts via our online consultation form.

Dr. Satinder SinghPenis Enlargement and its myths

Dr. Satinder Singh

Phone: +91-94165 34999, +91-94670 15252


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