Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Don’t Be Ashamed- Erectile Dysfunction Is Curable!



What's Erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is a man’s inability to gain and retain an erection, sufficient enough for penetrative sex. Often simply known ED, Erectile Dysfunction affects millions of men around the world and can occur because of many factors. Some of the common factors leading to ED include neurologic conditions, medicine side-effects, hormonal imbalances and vascular diseases.


Discussing ED is important

If you suffer from ED or impotence, you need to consult our experts immediately. Always remember that erectile dysfunction is curable and can be easily treated, as long as you seek help. Often men shy away from discussing impotence, fearing unexpected comments and views. It is extremely vital to accept ED as a health problem, like any other medical concern. With timely medical intervention, you can get away with the condition and the stress and pressure associated with it.

The power of Ayurveda Treatment

Ayurvedic medicines and allopathic treatments can help in treating erectile dysfunction, and at Empire Clinics, we specialize in balancing both. Ayurveda has a special branch, known as Vajikarana (Sexology), which offers detailed treatment for various sex-related conditions, including ED. The experts of Empire Clinics offer consultation and advice on all kinds of issues related to penetration and erection, and we offer dedicated treatment plans for every patient.

Our treatment procedure

    • On your first visit, we will understand your concerns and issues, based on which our doctors may suggest a few tests to find the underlying cause of ED. We believe in making our patients comfortable right from the first appointment.
  • Our treatment for erectile dysfunction involves the use of Bhasmas, Rasayana & Vajikarna therapies. These are herb-mineral combinations, which have been proven to be useful in India and abroad in numerous cases. Our treatment plan will ensure strong erections, and the results are always long-term with no side effects whatsoever.

Empire Clinics take pride in offering specialized treatment plan for ED, which has benefited thousands of men dealing with erection issues. Our experts offer an extensive mix of 100% natural and safe herbal supplements, which are customized for every patient based on our diagnosis. We have a team of experienced sexologists and herbalists, who will answer all your queries related to the treatment. We will also help you in initiating the lifestyle changes that can help in keeping erectile issues at bay!

Book an appointment today with Empire Clinics to know more about ED!

Dr. Satinder SinghErectile Dysfunction Treatment