
Vital Tips You Need To Follow, To Stay Healthy On Your Honeymoon

Wedding planning is a stressful thing and one needs to get properly recharged after the wedding. This is why honeymoon is planned after the marriage. It is not possible to follow your diet routine strictly on your honeymoon but you need to balance it even on your honeymoon.

Everyone has some honeymoon desires in their mind. But there are some very vital small things that should be done right, to get your beautiful phase go ahead smoothly. Here are some tips to stay healthy even on your honeymoon.

  1. Prepare for Your Travels

Before you take your flight for the honeymoon, eat a protein enriched breakfast that will assist you to maintain your blood sugar level stable. Eat two eggs and drink a protein enriched shake. This will provide you strength and power. The whole concept is that you should stay healthy and active during your honeymoon days. You should not feel lethargic otherwise you will spoil your wife’s mood. So stay energetic.

  1. Stay Active

This is very important so be active. This can be done by walking; swimming, shopping or exploring the new location and its surroundings. Do not exert yourself. Staying active will assist in proper digestion and you will not feel bloated. You will be in fine mood and will enjoy your honeymoon with your wife. It will bring a fresh happiness in your life.

  1. Indulge mindfully

Honeymoon is the best time for you to get recharged, relaxed and full entertainment. Enjoy the new surroundings and culture of that country. Be careful in your meals. Do not go for excessive drinking or fancy desserts. Excessive drinking will knock your senses and excessive eating will get you bloated. You will feel heavy and energy less by the time you return to your hotel. Hence, indulge mindfully in all your activities. Do not go overboard.

  1. Drink water all day long

Drink lots of water and herbal tea throughout the day. Try not to add sugar or milk in your herbal tea. Tea without sugar and milk is very healthy and even digestive. During your flight ensure that you consume lots of water as flying in a plane is very dehydrating. After you reach your destination ensure that you drink abundance of water. If you visit beaches then do not forget to drink water much. You may get fresh coconuts in the beaches; drink plenty of fresh coconut juices. This will keep your stomach in order and will refresh your mood.

  1. Take your supplements

Do not forget to pack your supplements as it will keep your digestion in control and will assist you to stay healthy and lively. Zinc and Vitamin C supplements will keep your immunity system stronger while magnesium supplements can assist you to get sound sleep at night. The supplements will provide you with essential nutrients.

  1. Visit gym and rest actively

If you get time to visit a close by situated gym from your honeymoon hotel then pay a visit. You can do some yoga or do some laps at the pool. Last, but most important is that you should rest actively as this will help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Satinder SinghVital Tips You Need To Follow, To Stay Healthy On Your Honeymoon

Dr. Satinder Singh

Phone: +91-94165 34999, +91-94670 15252


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