In today time Premature Ejaculation is becoming a big issue for some males. They are thinking lot on this issue which is going to harm their precious relation. More than 20-50% people are suffering from this. Some people overcome this problem so easily they get it by some phenomenon which suits them. About 30-70% males in the Europe affected to some degree at one time or another.
There are some factors to discuss on this issue which are related to this. One of them is Anxiety. It is the main cause in some of the cases which is influencing the ejaculation process. If a person is in hurry and he is having lot of stress on his mind, thinking lot about sex and sexual relations he might not be able to do intercourse properly. It will definitely lead him to a state where he will be embarrassing due to this. This PE(Premature Ejaculation) sometimes occurs due to lack of confidence.
When a person loses his confidence he will be victim of premature ejaculation. Then first of all he has to make his confidence level high so that he may go to a state of peaceful life and healthy relation. Some studies says it may be due to withdrawal of some medicines used in mental illness like Citalopram. It may be the reason of premature ejaculation in men. If patients is using this medicines and he is getting the problem of Premature Ejaculation , then before going to a Sexologist first he should consult his Routine doctor regarding this drug.
People with relationship problems often present to the family physician’s office believing they are suffering from sexual dysfunction. Patients often believe that the sexual dysfunction is the cause of the relationship discord. Open communication between sexual partners can help reduce conflict and performance anxiety. Open communication between sexual partners can help reduce conflict and performance anxiety. If you’re not satisfied with your sexual relationship, talk with your partner about your concerns.
At our Empire Clinics we educate people about all the issues related to sexual health. Our Sexologist gives their opinion regarding problems of patients. Patients suffering from these types of disorders got help from the desk of our Sexologist. As said above if premature ejaculation is a problem with someone then he cannot have a healthy relation for long. For that patient is asked to have counselling and the treatment required for his problem. We at Empire Clinics provide counselling for all type of sexual problem. These problems if not treated can make your life worst so it should be treated timely preis viagra bestellen.